asia oasis

Double Ds

The Double Ds aka Dion Ermen and Dave Smith, are two passionate musos who love doing 60s and 70s music together.  They each have decades of experience playing pubs, parties, and busking in the streets of Adelaide and beyond.

Dion is a familiar face to city-goers for years, playing lead guitar to hits from The Shadows, Chet Aitkin, Dire Straits, and also a few contemporary numbers.  He has won a number of awards for his music, and is currently exploring the production side of things.

Dave is a strictly rhythm guitarist and singer who has busked and played for small pubs and parties for over four decades and has jammed with many a fine muso across much of Australia.

Dion will open their performance for half an hour playing exceptionally smooth lead guitar over tracks of some very familiar songs, then Dave will give a half-hour playing and singing some of his favourites, likely some with a very Aussie flavour.  This will be followed by the two of them performing together for an hour some great middle of the road oldies from CCR, The Eagles, Johnny Cash and much more.

Dave Smith

Dion Ermen

Check out Double Ds performance at Asia Street Food By the Sea on
Saturday 17th of February & Sunday 18th of February from 12 pm!