asia oasis

Dorset Dave

G’day Adelaidians. Well, my name is Dave and I’m originally from Dorset (rural UK). Music runs through my veins, so I love sharing some tunes with my trusty acoustic Baby Martin Guitar. My music style is a product of previously being a choirboy, who was raised on folk music, then never grew out of the best pop years (mid-2000s)! I’ll be playing covers from the places I’ve travelled the past decade, from: Down Under Classics, K-Pop, Uncle Sam’s USA, British Beats, and a finale of a 50-SONG-4-CHORD-MASH-UP. This set is a celebration of AUSSIE multiculturalism (plus the fact I got my Citizenship this month, YAY)!

Can’t wait to meet you all down at Glenelg where we will sing our hearts out together while having a boogie…

Catch Dorset Dave’s performance at Asia Street Food By the Sea on
Sunday the 18th of February from 7 pm!